Lilian Garcia-Roig


Born in Havana, Cuba in 1966, Lilian Garcia-Roig was raised and worked in Texas for 30 years but now lives and works in Tallahassee, Florida.  Her latest works feature large-scale on-site painting installations of dense landscapes that overwhelm the viewer’s perceptual senses. Each individual painting is created over the course of the day in an intense wet-on-wet cumulative manner that underscores the complex nature of trying to capture first-hand the multidimensional and ever-changing experience of being in that specific location.


Formally her works are as much about the materiality of the paint and the physicality of the painting process as they are about mixing and mashing the illusionist possibilities of painting with its true abstract nature. On a more personal levelall of the on-site works she has made are, at their core, about trying to negotiate the complex propositions of sense of place and belonging which so influence the construction of personal identity.


"Nature won't settle down, be passive, or ever fully reveal itself. But, at the same time, it will offer us more than we seek. I can only hope my paintings can do the same.”
