Christian Burchard at Asheville Art Museum

Old World/New Soil: Foreign Born American Artists from the Collection
May 31, 2021
Christian Burchard, Another Literary Dynasty, No. 14, 18 x 18 x 26 inches, Bleached and scorched Madrone Burl. 


Wood sculptor and Momentum Gallery artist partner Christian Burchard has work included in the current exhibition "Old World/New Soil: Foreign Born American Artists from the Collection."  This exhibition continues at Asheville Art Museum through August 2, 2021.  



Originally from Germany and now living in Oregon, Christian Burchard enjoys taking risks with his art and works with green, unpredictable wood to create forms that warp and twist as they dry. Burchard’s material of choice is Pacific Madrone, which undergoes dramatic changes as it cures. This process makes his final form unique from other wood sculptures and nearly impossible to replicate.  



Stop in the Asheville Art Museum this month to see Christian's work in the exhibition or visit Momentum Gallery anytime. The gallery features a nice collection by the accomplished wood sculptor from various series including his Scrolls, Stacks, Books, wall mounted "pages," and Baskets.  If you can't make it by the gallery, you can see Christian's available work online at this link.  

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