Bradlee Shanks


Bradlee Shanks is a recognized leader in the area of digitally mediated printmaking. His masterful technique constructs an intricate reality, combining drawn, photographic and digital processes. Bradlee says the act of making art is, “a joyful process for me – which comes from the mind’s delight coupled with years of artistic practice. I have been a practitioner of many different kinds of processes: exploiting the language of painterly, drawn, digital and photomechanical printmaking. The body of work is eclectic and idiosyncratic. What inspires me is trust in the idea that something deeply personal is also, simultaneously, universal.”


Shanks received a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree from the University of South Dakota and a Master’s in Fine Arts from Arizona State University. He has exhibited in over 150 national and international group exhibitions, in addition to exhibits at the University of Alabama, Auburn University, the University of Georgia, and the University of Alaska.
